Urbint for Storm Response

Manage storm response and accelerate restoration

Urbint for Storm Response connects the entire storm and natural disaster lifecycle in one seamless platform, so utilities can handle logistics, manage emergency work, and allocate resources in real-time.

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Command storm operations – all in one platform

Manage the influx of crews and resources for natural disaster events, from tracking, to lodging, to payment.

By connecting utilities and contractors on one powerful platform, Urbint for Storm Response streamlines the entire work management lifecycle. With fewer handoffs and greater visibility, Urbint ensures that you can quickly and effectively restore service when it matters most.

Secure and manage contractors with ease

Engage contractor crews quickly and easily – no phone calls required. Assign lodging and meals efficiently, with no waste.

During a major storm, one customer secured 200 distribution line crews in less than 20 minutes.

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Maximize situational awareness

Track crew locations, optimize resource distribution, deliver emergency work, and get the power back on faster.

Achieve a 10% reduction in power restoration time by coordinating resources more efficiently.

Urbint for Storm Response benefits:

  • Secure contractors faster
  • Manage crew lodging and meals efficientl
  • Shorten restoration times
  • Save and recoup millions in crisis response

Make recovery seamless, with Urbint.

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